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Firms must incorporate ESG initiatives at both the corporate level and the investment level, or risk their reputations, says head of ESG Alison Fenton-Willock.
Reporting your ESG progress publicly is a convenient step toward implementing best practices throughout the firm, say panelists at this year’s PEI Responsible Investment Forum.
Private equity is failing to find its voice or properly engage with its detractors and the barrage of criticism won’t stop until it does.
Institutions have different polemic styles than Bernie Sanders, but you should definitely take this threat seriously.
The COO of Kline Hill Partners talks with PEI senior editor Toby Mitchenall about walking the ESG walk, the increasing need for liquidity, LP data demands, succession planning and more.
Video interview with Kline Hill’s Louis Sciarretta; KKR warns public sentiment around PE isn’t great, right now.
ESG investing is on the up, according to Bain & Co; PEF releases white paper on fund administration tech
Impact funds are more popular than ever and sustainable investing can help boost returns, according to a report from Bain & Company.
FIRRMA? I’ll take Basel IV, please; ILPA releases roadmap for D&I best practices.
conceptual scene, climate change
David Russell, head of responsible investment at the UK's biggest private pension, discusses how the private equity industry is reacting to climate change.

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