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Stephenson Harwood lawyers share their insight on successful LPAC operations; NY Attorney General obtains injunction against NYPEXX founder.
A 'how to' guide from Crossword Cybersecurity; Enveil chief dreams of AML/KYC capabilities.
NAV has its limits when it comes to GP-led secondary pricing; SEC files suit against a pair of investment advisors for alleged breach of fiduciary duty.
The FCA gave its official thumbs up to the alternative risk-free rate; Q&A with Gene DelFavero, CFO of Alcion Ventures.
Executives from Bamboo Capital Partners talk about operations and new initiatives at the impact firm; USS's Russell on what ESG means to LPs.
Italian lira coin bearing the portrait of Luca Pacioli (1447-1517), released by Italy in 1994 on the 500th anniversary of his treatise Summa de arithmetica (i.e. On arithmetics)
Europe has a fun little riddle to work out involving an alternative to mark-to-market that is also not at least called ‘mark-to-model'.
Become a DOPE CFO; PERE CFOs & COOs Forum update.
Riverside's management company CFO tells about the year ahead for his team; SEC issues quarterly private fund stats; ICR launches ESG DD service for funds; Citco hires to expand middle office solutions biz.
A venture capitalist calls out for more GP DD; You need to get your lawyer to hire your compliance consultant; California’s privacy law extends well beyond the state.
Q&A with Atul Varma; HL's EMEA head calls for more transparency; We all have a lot to say about that last bit.

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