Sign In FAQ | Passwordless Access | Private Funds CFO

Sign In FAQ

To enhance your on-site user experience, so it's quicker and easier to view Private Funds CFO's industry insights and intelligence, we use passwordless access when signing in. This means you only need a work email address; nothing more.

Our handy FAQ explains what passwordless access is, how to sign in, and what to do should you encounter any difficulties when signing in.

Quite simply, it means you’re not required to use or remember a password when signing in to Private Funds CFOs. This means it’s simpler for users, and more secure too.

Firstly, no passwords are stored by Private Funds CFO, removing the risk of a password breach or leak.

Secondly, the sign-in process builds a trusted relationship between a user’s computer or device, and the website, via cookie authentication.

This relationship cannot be shared or compromised without access to the user’s computer or device. Given this would be a physical breach, it is less likely to occur than password sharing/hacking.

Click the ‘Sign in or Register’ button at the top of the Private Funds CFO website. Enter your work email address, and we’ll send you a verification email. All you then need to do is click on the unique link within that email. That’s it.

Click the ‘Sign in or Register’ button at the top of the Private Funds CFO website, then click on ‘Register now’. Submit your details, and we’ll send you a verification email. All you then need to do is click on the unique link within that email and your account is created.

To ensure your Private Funds CFO account is kept safe and secure, we require users to re-verify their email address on each new browser or device they use. Once you have verified your address on a device, you won’t be asked to sign in again.

The email may have been delivered to your junk mail, or quarantined.

If you are able to retrieve the verification email then click on the unique link to verify your account. The link will remain valid for 2 hours from when the verification email was originally sent.

You can also add our email domain – – to your safe sender list in your email client. Tell your IT team to do the same to avoid this happening again in the future.

If you are unable to retrieve the verification email but think you would be able to the next time, please refresh the webpage, click the ‘Sign in or Register’ button at the top of the Private Funds CFO website, and re-submit your email address.

Alternatively, contact our team who will assist with your login. Email us at:

The unique link in the verification email received can only be used once and will expire after 2 hours. Subsequent uses of the link, or using the link after 2 hours, will result in an error message being displayed.

To get a new verification email refresh the webpage, click the ‘Sign in or Register’ button at the top of the Private Funds CFO website, and re-submit your email address.

You also need to ensure you are browsing the site in the browser you verified your email address in. To explain in more detail;

In a scenario where a user’s computer settings has the default browser set as Internet Explorer, but the user normally browses with Chrome, issues could arise.

If the user was to click the verification link in the activation email, it would open an Internet Explorer browser and verify you in that browser, rather than Chrome, which would not recognise you.

To fix this issue, either change your default browser to the one you regularly use, or alternatively go through the sign-in process again, but instead of clicking on the verification link, copy and paste it into your regular browser.

If you’d prefer to contact our team in order to fix your issue, you can email:

This could be due to a number of reasons. We’ll cover the two most common issues here:

1. When you click on the verification link in the email we send you, it has to be opened in the same browser and device you used originally to start the sign-in or registration process. If, for example you tried to sign-in via the Chrome browser on your PC, but then verified your account in Internet Explorer, you would not be able to access the site in Internet Explorer. The same applies if you start the sign-in on your mobile, but then verify your account on your PC; you won’t be able to access the site on your PC.

2. Specific cookies have not been enabled and persisted within your browser on your computer or device, or the cookies have been deleted. For the site to work effectively you need to enable these. Please note that using incognito mode or private browsing may prevent cookies from persisting. For more information on cookies, click here.

For all enquiries, you can get in touch with our team, who will do their best to quickly resolve any issues or queries you may have. Email them at:


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